Eating well
to live better
Experience gained in over fifteen years in partnership with the main international
retail chains, has enabled Roncadin to produce a range of pizzas rich in flavour
and health,
attentive to special dietary needs.

Organic Pizza:
When the needs of man meet
those of the environment
Organic food meets the need for high quality, with full respect for nature
and biodiversity.
Organic agri-food production is based on the interaction between the best environmental practices,
a high level of biodiversity, the safeguarding of natural resources, the application of strict
animal welfare standards and production adapted to the preferences of certain consumers
for products obtained from natural substances and processes.
The growth of Organic products* confirms the importance of quality assurance in the production
chain for consumers.
* In Italy, the value of the domestic organic product market has increased by +1.9% compared to 2020.
This data confirms the growth trend of the last 5 years, during which the overall increase was +104%.
Data from SINAB report 2021.

Use of selected ingredients
with the option of
Organic Certification

Organic company with
European certification

Gluten free:
for allergy and food intolerance sufferers
Roncadin "Gluten Free" is a range of pizzas specially designed for people with an allergy
or severe intolerance to gluten, as well as for all those who wish to reduce the amount of
gluten in their diet.
The production plant for these products is located in Genoa, on a site measuring over 2000
square metres dedicated exclusively to Gluten-Free production, with a highly flexible line,
characterised by a high versatility production of various sizes and quantities, guaranteeing
products that meet the most demanding quality protocols.

Lactose free
An inability to digest lactose is the most common food intolerance.
It is estimated that about 30% of the population in Europe suffers to some
degree or other, and up to 2% of adults in the USA.
Lactose is the main sugar contained in milk and a lack of lactase,
the enzyme that splits the lactose into simple sugars that are then absorbed by the
intestine, may cause intolerance to this component.
Roncadin selects the best ingredients and creates special recipes that respect
these needs,
while prioritising taste!

Roncadin is constantly researching innovative recipes that satisfy the nutrition needs
of consumers attentive to sustainability and the ethics of dietary habits.*
* According to the 2020 report of Eurispes research institute,
the total number of vegetarians and vegans in Italy is 8.9% of the population.
Vegetarians and vegans are increasing compared to 2019 and 2018 when this percentage was 7.1% and 7.3%, respectively.
This phenomenon is far more than just a passing fad and according to some institutes, such as the Stockholm International
Water Institute, we could even all be vegetarians by 2050.